Monday, August 16, 2010

Safety of minorities in India

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Police atrocity on minors.
                                 Three years old terrorist shot dead in Punjab.                                                 

                                  A 17 years old caught and killed in Kashmir 
             On September 6, 1995, the Punjab police abducted, tortured, and murdered human rights defender Jaswant Singh Khalra because he exposed the disappearances and killings of thousands of Sikhs by the Punjab police. 

In his last speech made to a Canadian audience, released with subtitles by Ensaaf (, Jaswant Singh Khalra discusses his investigations into the disappearances and his readiness to die to expose the truth about these crimes. This video includes clips from his speech made at Dixie Gurdwara (Sikh house of worship) in Toronto, Canada in April 1995, at a conference organized by the radio station Ankhila Punjab. Khalra pinpoints KPS Gill, then Director General of Punjab police, as the person in charge of the systematic abuses perpetrated by the Punjab police, and discusses the standard responses made by Gill to cover-up the mass secret cremations. Khalra further describes his struggle before the Punjab and Haryana High Court for accountability for these mass state crimes. 

Please visit for more information.

I was just thinking that British ruled India for 250 years but they could rule Punjab only for 100 years. During this short period, they could never sit ideal and rule smoothly as just after 50 years of their rule the Gadar Party was born and the qualified youths followed revolution. They started avenging the murders/killings of Indians. Ultimately British were compelled to leave India but before leaving India, they jeopardized with Sikhs. They betrayed with Ranjit Singh and took over Punjab by cheating a child king, to whom they were appointed guardian by themselves. They submerged the nation Punjab into India which seems a greater mistake and betrayal with we Sikhs.

The following table shows that during their rule in India for 250 years, they hanged/imprisoned a number of Indians but when we see the rule of our own govt just within 63 years, there is an endless long list of Sikhs killed on hands of its Police, paramilitary forces and army. Which has compelled me to write this article so that the whole world over may see the merciless killings, fake encounters, illegal captivities without trails, discrimination, discrepancy, denial of justice, interference in religion, attacks on Sikh shrines, mass killings of pilgrims, are the parts of our life in India which claims itself the biggest democratic country but denies self-determination in fear of the exposure and division.

Please see the table of martyrs and freedom fighters during British rule in India:-

Punishment Suffered;

Imprisoned for life (KALA PANI)   
Killed at Jalianwala Bagh  
Killed at Budge Budge Ghat (Calcutta)
Killed in Kooka Movement
91…………. NIL…………....91
Killed in Akali Movement 
Grand Total  

So total 4771 people were suffered and only 121 people were hanged by British, 2646 were imprisoned. These were the people who laid down their lives to liberate India (United India including present day of Pakistan and Bangla Desh)from British empire and wanted a self rule.

If we see the killngs/ massacre, hanged, imprisoned, illegal captivities, the number goes more than a 1000 times than British did in 250 years but our own govt did in only 63 years.

Wow ! What an achievement of free India?

The minorities, Sikhs, Muslims and Chrishtians are being attacked and the fanatic Hindus with the support of Indian govt dream of a Hindu nation as it is their property or they purchased it from British like Jammu and Kashmir?

As per the BBC reports, only in 3 days from 1st nov to 3rd nov more than 20,000 innocent Sikhs were killed in India. Since then Sikhs are trying to get the justice and action against the perpetrators like Amitabh bacchan, Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan kumar, Kamal Nath and others(some are dead) but Govt of India has never initiated any action against these organizers of pogrom of 1984.

Victims are called to Police stations and to the Courts but these perpetrators are never called, never investigated. Victims are harassed but the culprits moves scot-free and under cover of commondos provided to them for their safety by this fanatic govt?

The operation Bluestar to attack the holiest shrine in June 1984 was planned to attack on martyr’s day (Gurupurab day) which is celebrated by Sikhs in the memory of martyrdom of their 5th Guru Arjan dev ji. Do you know why army planned to attack on this specific day?
Because the operation HQ planned it that the army jawans (Soldiers) shall march towards Akal Takhat, merely a distance of 200 yards from main entrance. In the cover of pilgrims/devoties, the soldiers shall proceed and in the cross firing  if the Sikh devoties are killed, let them . At least the soldiers shall be safe and the whole operation shall be completed within a few hrs. so what if innocent Sikh devoties are killed but the mighty Indian army could not cover this 200 yards distance in 48 hrs. there was such a stiff resistance that the advance of Indian infantry was failed by handful brave sikh youths who never got the army training but the high spirit of martyredom inherited in Sikhs by 10th Guru Gobind Singh has made them fearless.

After failure of Infantry, the soldiers were carried by APC vehicles which were blown by brave Sikhs. Now Army had lost the fight so in frustration it started killing of Sikhs in nearby areas and at other religious places in Punjab (It attacked 44 Gurudwaras in Punjab).
Now Generals were worried of their failure, they had not imagined of their defeat, so they decided to blow off the akal Takaht where only 14 Sikhs were there as per the reports last received in (By Mark Tuli) the permission to push heavy arty and armor in this battle against their own citizens was asked from PM Indira Gandhi, who replied that as many as Sikhs may be killed but she wanted Bhindranwala dead. Permission was granted and Tanks were brought to kill the last 14 Sikhs. What a bravery and starategy? The tanks fired 80 shells to kill all the last remaining Sikhs in Akal takhat.

By the reports, it has been concluded that only in Gurudwara Amritsar, more than 10,000 Sikh pilgrims were killed and exact number of army personals killed is not known which is also in thousands. The army hospitals throughout Punjanb, chandigarh, Delhi and Haryana were over crowded by wounded.
The number of Sikhs killed throughout Punjab during operation bluestar (which was only meant to suppress Sikhs) crossed one hundred thousand. Then a butcher sikh Police officer was brought in to kill his children. Since 1985 to 1995 another one hundred thousand Sikh youths were killed by this Police officer KPS Gill ….

To know more the truth of KPS Gill, please open the...[link]

It is said that he had got killed the Sikh youths of 15-30 years age and a complete young generation was wiped out by this butcher.

Since then a tradition of illegal captivity and fake encounters is followed by Punjab Police till day. Recently a 60 years old human rights activist, a French national Sikh is arrested on flimsy grounds from his home and he is tortured  and framed on fabricated charges as reports received in.

The Muslims were targeted in Guzrat in 2002, the main perpetrator is itself the Chief Minister of Guzrat. So far no action is taken against him or his team.

The Chrishtians were targeted in Orissa. The Australian priest Stain and his two children were burnt alive by Hindu fanatics. Though the main culprit Dara Singh is arrested but the best was to shoot him in the middle of the square who has brought not only the shame but a black-spot on Hindus also that they mercilessely killed the two children.

The internationally recognized & elected Sikh body is SGPC (Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee) which has the majority of Akali Dal members. It has the capability to order to Punjab Police to stop killings of innocent and stop arresting innocent people on flimsy grounds on fake charges. It can do so as the Akali dal is the ruling party also. 

Then it should send a direct letter to the President of India and all leading political parties, that if discrimination continues and justice is not delievered, if perpetrators of 84 are not arrested, they will ask for complete freedom from the federal  system of India. Only then you Sikhs can save your honor, pride and justice. Thus the innocent dead shall be given justice and a safe future of our next generation could be possible in India otherwise demand the separation if govt of India denies.

The Govt of India may not cheat again on Sikhs and other minorities, it must be safeguard as the revelations are made in my blog by Dr, Santokh singh ji,

It should never be allowed to happen in future by any govt.

The murder of  Human rights defender Jaswant Singh Khalra.

In 1995, the Punjab police abducted, tortured, and murdered human rights defender Jaswant Singh Khalra for his work in uncovering thousands of disappearances, extrajudicial deaths, and secret cremations of Sikhs perpetrated by the Punjab police. It took ten years to bring Khalra’s murder to trial, but in 2005, Ensaaf worked alongside private attorneys to bring some of the perpetrators to justice. Six police officers were convicted. In 2007, the Punjab & Haryana High Court upheld five convictions, enhancing all sentences to life imprisonment. The sixth officer was acquitted. Appeals are pending before the Supreme Court.
KPS Gill Remains Free
In May 2006, Ensaaf partnered with Human Rights Watch (HRW), REDRESS, and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice to issue a call to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the investigation and prosecution of former police chief KPS Gill for his role in Khalra's torture and murder. In addition, Ensaaf assisted Paramjit Kaur, Khalra's widow, in drafting the international law arguments on superior responsibility in a petition that calls on the High Court to investigate and prosecute Gill for his role in the crimes committed against Khalra. The petition was filed on September 6, 2006.
In Fall 2007, Ensaaf and HRW released a video-enhanced joint report,Protecting the Killers: A Policy of Impunity in Punjab, India. Among other abuses, the report discusses Khalra's murder trial and how it illustrates the many roadblocks that families of victims continue to face in pursuing legal remedies against perpetrators.
Fourteen years after Khalra's death, the Indian government is no closer to bringing Gill to justice for organizing his – and thousands of other innocent Sikhs' – death.

Written by;
Ajmer Singh Randhawa.

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